The sampler is pressurized before being lowered into the well to prevent water flowing into the sampler. Once the desired depth is reached, the pressure is released and hydrostatic pressure fills the sampler with water directly from the sampling zone. A floating checkball inside the 1.66"ø (42 mm) and 1"ø (25 mm)samplers prevents water from entering the tubing, thus avoiding the need to decontaminate the tubing.
When the sampler is filled, it can be repressurized and raised to the surface. The sample is decanted using the sample release device, which regulates flow and minimizes degassing of the sample. The sampler is easily disassembled for decontamination.
Biodegradable disposable PVC bailers and stainless steel Point Source Bailers are also available from Solinst (see Model 428 BioBailer & 429 Point Source Bailer Data Sheets).
VIDEO 425 Discrete Interval Samplers :