This multilevel system is reliable, easy to install and inexpensive.
It provides site assessors with a better understanding of
three-dimensional groundwater flow and the distribution of
contaminants in the subsurface. Remediation strategies can then
be targeted more precisely, focusing efforts in the most effective
The CMT Multilevel System makes the accurate monitoring of
contaminant plumes much more affordable. It provides detailed
vertical as well as horizontal data. Monitoring zones are set
where needed and the single tube design allows reliable seals
between zones.
Two systems are available. The 1.7" (43 mm) OD polyethylene
tubing, segmented into seven channels, allows groundwater
monitoring at up to 7 depth-discrete zones. The 3-Channel
System uses the same material and construction, but it is only
1.1" (28 mm) in diameter. This narrow tube was developed for
smaller diameter installations, especially direct push where the
annulus for seal placement is narrow.