The Oxion series has been specifically designed for the Exact- and Biomedical Sciences.
Thanks to the high resolving power, a 3 Watt transmitted LED illumination, a 100 Watt Mercury fluorescence epi-illumination, multiple phase contrast configurations and the optional Apochromatic objectives, these microscopes can be used for all kind of demanding applications as well in fundamental research.
Models OX.3020 to OX.3035 are equiped with standard Plan objectivesfor bright field applications.
Models OX.3040 to OX.3047 are equiped with Plan Phase objectives for phase contrast.
Models OX.3050 to OX.3065 are equiped with Plan Semi-Apochromatic objectivesfor bright field applications.
Models OX.3070 to OX.3085 are equiped witht Plan Semi-Apochromatic objectives for fluorescence applications